Posizioni richieste per PHd in “Digital and Microwave Photonics”

Open Positions available at the joint research center of PNTLab (Photonics Netwroks and Technologies National Laboratory)-CNIT and TeCIP (Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies)-Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy.

The open positions are requested for the “Digital & Microwave Photonics” area led by Prof. Antonella Bogoni.

More information about the area activities and projects are available at



  • Open position for PhD in RADARs
    The researcher is requested to have a background in radar and electronic systems for collaborating in the project H2020 ROBORDER: autonomous swarm of heterogeneous Robots for BORDER surveillance (for the development of a radar system), funded by the European Commission (www.roborder.eu).

It is requested: (i) basic knowledge in electronic laboratory activities, set up implementation, system simulation. (ii) Good knowledge of basic computer programs (word, excel, power point). (iii) Dedication to work and scientific curiosity, good attitude to team working. (iv) Software skills: matlab, word, excel, power point Optional: Labview, C++. (v) Fluent written and spoken English.

The PHD call is available here https://www.santannapisa.it/en/education/international-phd-course-emerging-digital-technologies

The deadline for application submission is June 30, 2018.

  • Open position for PhD in PHOTONICS
    The researcher is requested to have a background in the field of photonics system and/or microwave photonics, for collaborating in the project RODI: Rf/Optical combined coherent transceiver for Radar/lIdar and RF/optical communications in space”, funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI).

It is requested: (i) basic knowledge in photonic and electronic laboratory activities, set up implementation, system simulation. (ii) Good knowledge of basic computer programs (word, excel, power point). (iii) Dedication to work and scientific curiosity, good attitude to team working. (iv) Software skills: matlab, word, excel, power point Optional: Labview, C++. (v) Fluent written and spoken English.

The PHD call is available here https://www.santannapisa.it/en/education/international-phd-course-emerging-digital-technologies

The deadline for application submission is June 30, 2018..

  • Open position for researcher in PHOTONICS
    The researcher is requested to have experience in the field of photonics system and integrated photonic circuit design for collaborating in the project POINTING: Photonics-based frequency-agile RF transceiver with High Precision Optical Beamforming for satellite rad/com systems funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The position is one-year long with possible extension.

It is requested: (i) at least1-2 years of experience in the field. (ii) Good expertise in photonic and electronic laboratory activities, set up implementation, system simulation. (iii) Good knowledge of basic computer programs (word, excel, power point). (iv) Dedication to work and scientific curiosity, good attitude to team working. (v) Software skills: matlab, word, excel, power point Optional: Labview, C++. (vi) Fluent written and spoken English.

  • Open position for researcher in RADARs
    The researcher is requested to have experience in radar and electronic systems for collaborating in the project NATO-SPS project: SOLE: multiStatic & multiband cOherent radar fLeet for border sEcurity, funded by NATO (www.sole-natosps.eu). The position is one-year long with possible extension.

It is requested: (i) at least1-2 years of experience in the field. (ii) Good expertise in photonic and electronic laboratory activities, set up implementation, system simulation. (iii) Good knowledge of basic computer programs (word, excel, power point). (iv) Dedication to work and scientific curiosity, good attitude to team working. (v) Software skills: matlab, word, excel, power point Optional: Labview, C++. (vi) Fluent written and spoken English.